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marion jones中文是什么意思

用"marion jones"造句"marion jones"怎么读"marion jones" in a sentence


  • 马里恩琼斯


  • Ask her if she ' d give a shout out to my kid , venus serena marion jones , junior
  • Marion jones awoke in her suburban apartment and said good morning to her husband , hunter
  • American marion jones won the women ' s 100m at the super grand prix meeting in a time of 10 . 94secs
  • Disgraced track and field star marion jones will spend six months in prison for lying about using steroids and her role in a check - fraud scam
  • Former us olympic gold medal winner marion jones has been jailed for six months for lying to investigators about steroid abuse
  • Marion jones , an olympic medalist , demonstrates that there is more to a sprint than a good start and " running like mad "
  • Disgraced track and field star marion jones will spend six months in prison for lying about using steroids and her role in a check - fraud scam
  • Marion jones and maurice greene two very different people had taken two very different routes to arrive within 88 sec . of each other at the same destination : fastest in the world
    格林和琼斯两人风格各异,在各自的跑道上仅以0 . 88秒之差实现了一个相同的梦想:成为世界田坛飞人。
用"marion jones"造句  
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